Positioning Assessment
Home Ergonomic Assessments to Improve Poor Positioning
Ergonomics is defined by the study of the relation of man to the environment in which he works and the application of anatomical, physiological, psychological, and engineering knowledge to the problems involved. Position is defined by the way in which something is placed and the arrangement of body parts. We are so busy going about our day that we do not realize that the positioning of our bodies within our environment is a huge component of how our bodies can function in space. The smallest change in our postures while we perform daily activities can make a huge difference and may even decrease our pain, discomfort, and dysfunction. Repetitive poor positioning of our body can lead to:
Asymmetrical alignment
Sub-optimal positioning of joints which can lead to stiffness, decreased mobility, decreased
bio-mechanical rhythm
Over-shortening of muscles which can lead to tightness, spasticity, abnormal movement, and pain
Over-lengthening of muscles which can lead to weakness and instability
Stress on our tendons

Ergonomic Assessment
Since we come to you, we have the benefit of assessing your daily environment to ensure that it is set up in the most efficient and safe way. Some of the common spaces we assess include:
Work space
Kitchen and dining room
Your bedroom
Your living room
Your car
We can also assess your positioning while you:
Dine, cook, clean
Drive or sit in your car
Watch Television
Perform other daily activities around your house
After we assess, we provide recommendations on how you can adapt your environment and what tools you can use to adjust your positioning during your daily activities. Remember, the smallest adjustment can make the biggest difference!