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Manual cervical traction


Manual Therapy For Soft Tissue And Joint Restrictions

Manual therapy, or manipulative therapy, is defined by skilled hand movements and passive movements of joints and soft tissue in order to treat musculoskeletal pain, discomfort, restriction, limitation, or dysfunction.

Stretch photo jeff

Benefits of Manual Physical Therapy

  • Improve joint range of motion

  • Improve tissue extensibility

  • Reduce swelling and edema

  • Decrease inflammation

  • Improve circulation

  • Decrease soft tissue restriction

  • Improve pain tolerance

  • Decrease spasticity and muscle tightness

  • Break down or reduce adhesions or scar tissue

Our Therapists implement manual therapy techniques during an individual treatment session when examination findings indicate soft tissue restrictions, joint range of motion limitations, and increased swelling or edema.

Manual Therapy Techniques for Soft Tissue Restrictions:

Soft tissue refers to tissues that surround, connect, or support structures and organs of the body. Soft tissue includes muscles, nerves, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, fascia (connective tissues that surround, connect, or support muscles, organs, bones, blood vessels, and nerves), synovial membranes, blood vessels, lymph vessels, and fat.


  • Soft tissue mobilization/manipulation: used to break down adhesions in order to help improve motion, decrease restriction, and limit dysfunction.


  • Myofascial release: application of gentle and sustained pressure into the myofascial connective tissue. These connective tissues support, surround, and connect your muscles, organs, bones, blood vessels, and nerves. Fascial restriction causes “pulling” on these structures which can lead to dysfunction throughout your musculoskeletal system. Myofascial release helps break up these restrictions in order to elimate pain and restore motion. 


  • Massage: manipulation of soft tissue with different parts of the therapist’s upper extremity using various stroking motions in different directions with varying degrees of pressure in order to increase tissue extensibility, increase blood flow, and promote muscle relaxation.


  • Trigger point release: A sustained applied pressure through the therapist’s finger or elbow in order to release muscle spasms. Muscle spasms that are not released can pull on the surrounding joints leading to further restrictions and dysfunction. 


  • Manual lymphatic drainage: The lymphatic system helps eliminate waste from your body. When there are blockages or fluid build-up in the lymphatic system due to trauma, surgery, or medical conditions, manual lymphatic drainage may be an appropriate manual technique. In lymphatic drainage massage, a gentle pressure is applied in a specific direction to encourage movement of lymph fluids. Your therapist can also guide you through how to perform lymphatic massage on yourself.

Massage therapy
Stretch photo jeff

Manual Therapy for Joints:

A joint or articulation is the connection between bones which is supported by various structures some of which include cartilage, synovium, joint capsules, tendons, and ligaments.


  • Joint mobilization/manipulation: passive graded movement to a joint in a desired direction, specifically the joint capsule, in order to improve gliding, increase range of motion, decrease pain, and normalize function.


  • Passive range of motion: the therapist moves the affected joint through the range of motion without the assistance from the patient. Passive range of motion is used when your range of motion, distance and direction a joint moves, is limited after an injury or surgery. Passive range of motion is also used if you have a specific medical condition that makes it difficult for you to activate your muscles. This technique is used to improve range of motion in order to prevent contractures as well as to maintain or re-attain your normal joint function.


  • Manual traction: is used as a decompression technique during times of pain or nerve irritation due to joint compression. It is most used to relieve pressure on the spine however, it can be used for most joints of the body. To perform manual traction, the therapist will use their hands in order to apply a sustained distraction which feels like a stretch and may provide immediate relief. Your therapist can also guide you through self-traction techniques that you can perform at home.

Why Choose Us



Nancy Iagrossi

Sciatica Treatment

After six months of suffering sciatica, going to a chiropractor and acupuncture with no relief, I found this company and Dr. Kimberly Seman whom after 4 or 5 visits rendered me pain free. She is so knowledgeable about the body and I knew instantly after our first session I was on my way to recovery. I must also add how very sweet and kind she was as she performed her skills on me. I will be forever grateful to her.


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